
Welcome to the Seattle Arts Ecology, Spring 2008. Please make use of this space to track course activities and assignments, share observations, ask questions, post photos from field trips, plug upcoming shows . . . you name it.

Friday, December 14, 2007


Thanks, everybody, for a great semester! See you in January.



Sunday, December 9, 2007

Peter Boal

I think reading this profile was an eye opener for me.  I thought i was really cool the way he said that he wanted people to not only support his productions but all the dance going on through out seattle.  That is something that takes great respect for him to say, it also gives him that image to other dancers through out the area.  It is great to hear someone that is not only thinking about himself and his productions but is opening himself and his productions up to respecting other companys in the area.

Artopian Seattle

I love hearing about the great art in Seattle!  It is so amazing the things you can find in this city, it is so great to know that you are a striving artist surrounded my millions of resources right at your fingertips.  It is such an awesome thing to be at cornish right in the middle of the art world around me.  It is good to know that there are things out there for me when i graduate.  The time and effort it takes to make these things possible is something that most people don't care about and it is great to be surrounded by people that support you.

Artopian Seattle

I love hearing about the great art in Seattle!  It is so amazing the things you can find in this city, it is so great to know that you are a striving artist surrounded my millions of resources right at your fingertips.  It is such an awesome thing to be at cornish right in the middle of the art world around me.  It is good to know that there are things out there for me when i graduate.  The time and effort it takes to make these things possible is something that most people don't care about and it is great to be surrounded by people that support you.

From Kobe to Broadway

I think it is so great to hear about someone that went to Cornish that can speak so highly about her education that she recieved.  It really gives me the confidence and motivation so succeed here at Cornish.  I think it is great that this girl gave it her everything to do what she really loved.  She never stopped trying, that really shows the heart it takes to accomplish your goals.  I think it was incredible to see the changes she made to go to Cornish.  She must have had to make such sacrafices to make this new life style work for her.  I think that is amazing, just goes to show that if you put your mind to what you want...you can always accomplish your goals.

Sweet Home

I remember when we were talking about this in class, the sense of home.  I really thought about it and questioned myself as to were my sense of home really is and what that means.  This piece or writing also really made me think about my "sweet home".  I definently agree to the sense of place that they talk about, it being a virtual immersion that depends on lived experience.  I have not been in Seattle for very long but somehow the college experience doesn't necisarly mean that seattle is my home.  I always say that i am from my hometown, but am I anymore?  My drivers license is from there, i am not a Washington resident.  But I feel like it is the time in my life were i need to call Seattle my home, i do live here, i want to live here for awhile, i will be here for another 3 years atleast, why isn't it my home?  I think i will always classify my parents home my home.  It is really hard for me to really signify were I am from, home to me can be multiple places.

The big six

Reading this really opened my eyes to the art dealing industry (0bviously because that is what it is about).  I did not know that Seattle had such a huge history of the art community, and it has been changing and growing every year...getting better and better.  I think it is really neat that people give so much to the industry and really devote themselves to making it happen.  It takes alot of time, devotion, and money to make it work, the people that give themselves to this should be recognized more often.  It is really amazing that it all started out so small but without the help and devotion of these people it would not be nearly as big as it is now.  Striving artists are given a chance in these art industry's and that is really incredible.