
Welcome to the Seattle Arts Ecology, Spring 2008. Please make use of this space to track course activities and assignments, share observations, ask questions, post photos from field trips, plug upcoming shows . . . you name it.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Blog Blog Blog

I have the night off from work! Its been awhile though so here we go... BLOG BLOG BLOG:

I want to start off by saying that my last blog about The Real West Marginal Way was inaccurate. I did feel the way I said about not liking the piece really but in class when we talked about the different imagery and phrases the author used I realized that it was a pretty well written story. I think it is interesting though that for some reason I didn't remember that from the first reading.

Sweet Home
I want to just highlight a sentence that stood out to me: "The word community is often used as a euphimism for poor neighborhoods and small towns." When I read this I instantly thought of a few examples when I had heard someone use this word with another, more negative, meaning. Discussing this piece in class made me give thought on what I consider to be "home".
My sense of home is actually a place rather than a sense or feeling. For me Home is still grounded in Tucson. Thats where I am familiar with things and thats where I think I would feel at home. But as people were sharing thier thoughts I came to realize that the memory that I have of home and the memory that I'm anxious to have restored in reality again, will never come back to me. That memory of home is contained, ideal and unchanging. When actually, Home is changing and updating everyday. The way I remember home is four months ago, before I left, and it depresses me a little to think, when I go back in two months it will not feel like "my home". And it never will feel that way again.

From Kobe to Broadway
I thought that it was really nice to know that Cornish is known and respected even outside of the country for its programs. Its also really encouraging to hear that this Cornish alumn worked hard to attend Cornish, while attending Cornish and after Cornish and was able to make it to Broadway (somewhere that many of the theatre major students would probably like to end up in time.) It proves that it can be done! We just have to keep working hard... forever.

Artopian Seattle
I loved the tone and structure of this piece! I think that the article did a good job of saying 'all of this would (or could) happen if...' without getting too unrealistic or extravegant. I don't know a lot about the art scene or about galleries in Seattle but it all sounded very legit and rational yet it isn't truth. It was a rhetorical persuasive article that didn't try to make you feel bad about any of it and the structure of saying 'This is what we'd all like to have but don't' and then saying "This, of course, is not the reality." convinces you of the great things that could happen before you have a chance to be put off by any sort of plea or guilt trip.

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