
Welcome to the Seattle Arts Ecology, Spring 2008. Please make use of this space to track course activities and assignments, share observations, ask questions, post photos from field trips, plug upcoming shows . . . you name it.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Hot Sheet #1

Due: Monday, January 28

As a part of your work on the research project, you will create a one-page “hot sheet” that defines the topic you propose to explore. Feel free to cast a wide net—you will have an opportunity to narrow your topic later.

· Describe your topic in brief, meaningful language as a way to
. I dentify the focus of your work
. Concisely express your research goals to librarians, interviewees, and others whose assistance you seek as part of your research process
· Develop tools for seeing deeper into the related ideas and implications of your research.
· Build an action plan for the completion of your research.

Your hot sheet will contain four sections:
· A brief description of your proposed research topic.
· A list of key words and phrases (terms, features, images, ideas) associated with your topic.
· A collection of “what,” “how,” “who,” and “why” questions about your topic.
· An action plan with tasks that you plan to undertake in the next 3 weeks.


1. Write your name, the date, “Seattle Arts Ecology,” and “Hot Sheet #1” at the top of your sheet.

2. Title your research project. (You may change this title later.)

3. Describe your research project in 75-100 words. (What are you exploring? What do you want to find out? What kinds of sources do you need? What do you hope you or others will “get” from the project?)

4. Brainstorm a list of key words or short phrases that relate to your project. (Aim for 10-15 words or phrases.)

5. Make a list of “what,” “how,” “who,” and “why” questions about your topic. (Aim for 10 questions.)

6. Write a brief action plan, detailing the tasks that you plan to undertake in the next 2-3 weeks. Give yourself deadlines to complete each task.

7. Print two copies: save one for yourself and give one to me.

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