
Welcome to the Seattle Arts Ecology, Spring 2008. Please make use of this space to track course activities and assignments, share observations, ask questions, post photos from field trips, plug upcoming shows . . . you name it.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Trimpin as a Rolemodel to Artists

I was sad when I looked at the date of this article and found it was from last year. After reading this article, I want to see this man’s work!

Also, Trimpin is an incredible role model for all of us artists. Instead of being upset that people just push a button and then walk away from all of his hard work, Trimpin actually decided to change his exhibit to ensure his audience would stay to watch. I feel like most artists I know would take the viewer’s apathy as personal insult and shrug their shoulders at a lost cause or destroy their creation in a fit of rage. Kudos to someone who does neither of the above and ALSO manages to alter their piece to counteract an apathetic generation.


CSumption said...

You might want to check out Trimpin's installation at the EMP: http://www.empsfm.org/exhibitions/index.asp?categoryID=218&ccID=54

CSumption said...

You might also want to read this article from Future Music about Trimpin's work at a science center in Germany: http://www.futuremusic.com/news/june2006/trimpin.html

participant observer said...

FYI, a full-length documentary about Trimpin and his work will be released next year -- watch for it!

Sydney M. Pertl said...

Awesome!! Thank you! :D