
Welcome to the Seattle Arts Ecology, Spring 2008. Please make use of this space to track course activities and assignments, share observations, ask questions, post photos from field trips, plug upcoming shows . . . you name it.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

From Kobe to Broadway

How cool is it to hear about someone who went to Cornish and now is affiliated with Broadway and Lincoln Center! Especially someone who was rejected twice before being accepted. This story is a story of determintion and the percevierance that Mikiko shows. The fact that she had to take multiple years of ESL to simply apply to Cornish was inspiring to me! Reading stories of former students and the success that they have achieved through their schooling here gives me excitement and hope for my future as an aspiring dancer. I can relate to Mikiko's wanting to attend a smaller with no graduate students, so that he opportunities to participate as an undergraduate would be increased! Mikiko also is someone who knows exactly what they want and have their entire future planned out ahead of time. I am one of those people as well, where I can list everything Ive wanted to be since the age of 6! Never was there a time where I didnt know who I was or what I wanted to become, and since age 10, it has always been a dancer. Having been born in the United States, I am already one step ahead of Mikiko, now all I need to do is mirror her strong will and determination and I have a chance at Broadway too...

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