
Welcome to the Seattle Arts Ecology, Spring 2008. Please make use of this space to track course activities and assignments, share observations, ask questions, post photos from field trips, plug upcoming shows . . . you name it.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Sweet Home and Mikiko's Story

Sweet Home
For the reading on Sweet Home, overall I thought that all these articles about life-place and what we call home is beneficial by opening our eyes to our personal issues, experiences, and becoming more aware of what's happening in our lives if we weren't already. Honestly, having these readings and then having our discussions about them in class have made me perceptive and observing of what has been happening in my life. I keep acknowledging that everything that I might have considered in one way with one opinion is changing and shifting to a new definition. I already knew this, but it didn't really register in my mind until I began to really analyze passages in the articles we have read and relating to my life.

Mikiko's Story

I really found myself admiring her passion, bravery, and dedication to accomplish her dreams and amazed at how she overcame the hardship having a language barrier and being foreign in Seattle. The article outlines her in my mind to be logical, smart, and a person with a good head on her shoulders. Being foreign and coming to America in pursuit of your dream career is not an easy thing to do, a person has to be extremely disciplined and great and taking care of themselves and what they need. Her success is truly the prime example of working hard to get what you want. Enduring college for just a slight portion of your life can give you a lifetime of happiness and success in the long run. That's what I always remind myself.

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