
Welcome to the Seattle Arts Ecology, Spring 2008. Please make use of this space to track course activities and assignments, share observations, ask questions, post photos from field trips, plug upcoming shows . . . you name it.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Ideas of Home
Home changes, illusions change, people change. Lucy R. Lippard has many questions in her article Sweet Home, such as “What if there are people with memories but no one to transmit them to? Are their memories invalidate by being unspoken?” and “Having been lost, or displaced from their own history are they ready to adopt those of others, or at the very least are receptive to their stories?”
Lippard asks some questions in her writing like whether hardworking individuals in a poor community can be left out because of the majority. I suppose there is more to being a good neighbor than the image of the ideal good neighbor.
It does seem true that one can be homesick for places they have never been.
There were many interesting ideas throughout the article though I’ll admit that some of them are over my head, like the notion of tribalism mentioned on page 35 in the first paragraph. I am not sure I understood what a symbolic code meant in that context.
Some meanings of the word home were pleasant to hear. The griote is an intriguing image that seems to sweep the reader off into a fantastic world, Although for some home is the street itself: it’s a terrible thought to think of, a slab of cardboard over a heating grat
It was interesting to hear that the American Indians consider the eagle on flagpoles to be spiritual.
And of course anyplace can be the center of the world.

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