
Welcome to the Seattle Arts Ecology, Spring 2008. Please make use of this space to track course activities and assignments, share observations, ask questions, post photos from field trips, plug upcoming shows . . . you name it.

Monday, October 1, 2007

When I read through this reading I was really inspired through the life of Mikiko. She had to jump through so many barrels to get to were she is today. If she would have quit trying when she knew she had to speak english she would not be close to succesful as she is today. I took a few years of spanish and it frustrated me to no end, I hated every minute of learning a foreign language. I could not imagine the struggle she must have went through to go to Cornish. And all because she wanted to do something she had a passion for. It is really great that she kept reaching for her goals even if they were far away. Going to school here this year, money is a big issue and it is something that really sets me back. I can only imagine how much money she had to spend on Cornish and then Yale. It is amazing that something like that didn't set her back from doing something she really wanted. Also not knowing if you are going to get a good job right out of college, that is something that worries me. You can't set aside things like that and dwell on them when you are reaching for goals. You have to just go for it, its better than having a job that you hate doing.

1 comment:

CSumption said...

Spread the word: Cornish grad Mikiko Suzuki is in town right now, designing the set for Eduardo Machado's play THE COOK at Seattle Repertory Theatre.