
Welcome to the Seattle Arts Ecology, Spring 2008. Please make use of this space to track course activities and assignments, share observations, ask questions, post photos from field trips, plug upcoming shows . . . you name it.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Fresh Fish

Tales of Old Seattle conjure up interesting memories. Somehow Bowing Hill seems to sound better than Highland Parkway. I feel like I'm walking on one of the dirt roads in White Center during the early thirties, with the scattered houses and probably low population that Seattle formerly had.It was interesting to hear Richard Hugo talk about the strong Greek fisherman who had killed a bear with his bare hands. It's hard to believe that someone could actually be that strong. I wonder if someone that strong exists today. As I read through Hugo's poems, I realize that there are many different kinds of people. It's interesting how there were roller rinks in the thirties. Seattle must have been a bit more untamed then. I would like to fish in a river like the one described in the Real West Marginal Way, a river brimming with fish- what could be more fun! And the star of the show was the cat that lived at the mill and the fantastic description of him diving into the slough to catch fish. I wonder what it would be like to explore the brick building mentioned. It might be nice to live by the river.

Oliver Phillips

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