
Welcome to the Seattle Arts Ecology, Spring 2008. Please make use of this space to track course activities and assignments, share observations, ask questions, post photos from field trips, plug upcoming shows . . . you name it.

Friday, September 14, 2007

West Marginal Way?

This reading was difficult for me because I have no idea where the author/poet(?) is referring to. I understand that it's somewhere in West Seattle, but other than that, it's an area I am unfamiliar with. I definitely know what he means when he talks about the areas outside the city being rough, I've been through some of those myself. It's interesting to think that while those areas just outside the city are not the nicest of places, many of the people who live there work and spend most of their lives in the "nicer," downtown of Seattle. Just goes to show how our materialism can affect our judgement of places, in this case depending on how things look, while a lot of the people are the same people we may encounter on the streets and in the offices of downtown Seattle.

I just want to add how disturbing the rememberance of bloated dogs in the river during the depression was. I'm pretty much scarred for life by that image.

1 comment:

CSumption said...

You might also think of this piece in terms of the value to artists of virtually any place if you have the patience and observational skills to take in what's really there.